Wednesday, March 28, 2012

job hunting

When I was job-hunting, I had an incredibly hard time getting j0b-seeking advice. I didn't want to advertise my job search to the people I knew in the industry (my coworkers), so I looked online and quickly got lost in a bunch of contradictory advice.

It was just as bad when I talked to other people. For example, when I was putting together my resume, I was most familiar with a proposal resume. Not the same thing as a job-seeking resume: proposal = squash as much language in as possible to show how much experience in X I have, job-seeking = make everything short and sweet. So I had my sweetie review what I did and then handed it off to a friend who was trying to build up a resume-fixing business. Neither work in science, let alone environmental science/geology, and they were totally flummoxed by my resume. Squash everything into 1 page? Use bullets only? Include relevant coursework?

I ended up finding this job-hunting blog and spent most of a weekend going through old posts. It has an active readership and if you read through the comments, you can get a feel for generally accepted practices and how much they deviate. Although it's not science-specific, it was the best resource I found. Another option that's more science-oriented is this, but it's more academically oriented, and the few industry jobs that are discussed are all in bio/pharmacology. Anybody else have job searching resources that would be good for industry geologists?


Fred said...

You could try It seems to be UK/EU-focused but there are quite a few international jobs to choose from as well.

Derry said...

I'm quite lucky in that my university has quite a good careers dept - I'm forever going to see them/asking my personal tutor/talking to our careers tutor. We also had some industry seminars last semester, to give us some insight into industry and try to build up our contacts.

My lovely new shiny CV (resume) is a mix of everything I think - it's got work experience (coursework assessments mainly; targeted for whatever industry my CV is destined for), education; this is bullet pointed, and only highlights the main things, employment history; three of my past work places, none of which are geology related, but I hope/think they give a future employer an idea that I'm quite hard working and can turn my hand to anything pretty much, and then two references at the end!

It's probably one of the best CVs I've written, and since I don't have any industry experience, I'm trying to emphasise any assessments I've done as part of experience/training.

I feel like I've just rambled a lot, but it may give you some clues. I'm always scared that my CV is too long and ramblyy, and I don't like to bullet point everything because, to me, it looks like notes, as if I couldn't be bothered to write in full sentences!

Good luck in your search :)

L x